The big question is put to CS GO players. What is your favorite Battle Royale game?
So, the question’s been asked and we’ve got the answers. In a recent interview on Betway eSports, a number of the elite players out there were asked which Battle Royale game was their personal favorite. The answers were varied but many named PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds), Apex Legends, Fortnite, and H1Z1 (Z1 Battle Royale) as the ones that are at number one on their lists.
Ozgur Woxic Exker said that Apex Legends is his preferred option of choice right now in this field and, probably, will be for some time. He went on to say that he’s played ten hours of the game and enjoys it the most when playing with friends.
Fortnite was the game picked by Olof Olofmeister Kybier, who said that although he’s spent time on PUBG, he spends more time on Fortnite. He hasn’t tried Apex Legends yet, but he intends to soon.
Rush Vierzba, however, has said that it’s actually been a long time since he’s played a Battle Royale game. He did name H1Z1, PUBG, and Fortnite as games he’s played in the past, though.
PUBG made the top of Gabrielle Fallen Toledo’s list. He said the CS:GO was good, but not his preferred choice, and cited Fortnite as being “too complicated” for him.
Jonas Lekro Olofsson said that Apex Legends was his favorite Battle Royale game. He also notes that, although he hasn’t actually competed the game yet, he has been playing it a lot lately.
That is not as much as Howard Rain Naigard who has racked up a sizeable thousand hours on PUBG, which he cites as his preferred option in this field. Meanwhile, Fatih Gob Dake said that he’s only ever played H1Z1, making it his default favorite.